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Hotmail Hacked.

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hi i am looking for some advice and hoped somebody could oblige.
i received an email in hotmail from a business associates hotmail address, an email address in which we had conversed often regarding currency transactions. i opened the email and within it was a message asking me to re-sign in with my password. problem being that my email had sat open untouched on my laptop, so stupidly i thought it was asking me re-log in due to the lapse in time...alas one minute later i began to receive bounce backs from identical scam mail that had been automatically sent to all my contacts...
once i had finished banging my head on my desk and swearing at myself i immediately changed my password (within 3 minutes), which i was able to do. I then did this again 10 minutes later...I also ran a full AVG scan which came up with no threats..
this is the first time i have experienced this, as i have always been vigilant. I am now concerned over the exposure my account experienced or is still experiencing..my questions are as follows:
1. How much exposure was i subjected to ?? i.e. would the hacker have had access to download all of my emails? Problem being there is much sensitive information within this account, personal details and transactions etc.
2. How much exposure do i have going forward?? has changing the password twice effectively locked them out?

Please can someone offer their opinion on this, it would be greatly appreciate.

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