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RegSvr32 login error for user on 2008 Terminal server

Regsvr32 error 2008 terminal server

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We have a Windows Server 2008 terminal server and one of our users logged in and received the following error:


The module "C:\ProgramData\nbjkvbh.dat" failed to load.

Make sure the binary is stored at the specific path or debug it to check for problems with teh binary dependent.DLL files.

The specific module could not be found.


I saw on some other posts that this type of message iindicated the presence of malware and my concern is that it will occure for other users since it is in the C:\ProgramData folder.


I have downloaded the OTL program, but not run it yet as this is a production server.  Is it ok to run while online?  ANd would greatly appreciate your assistance.




Omar W.

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