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Install Windows Phone software on PC


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First of all, greetings. I am new here, and this is my first post. If I am not following the etiquette correctly, and should have first introduced myself somewhere else, please forgive me, as I am in too much of a rush to do so.


Anyway, I am trying to install the Windows Phone software on my Windows 8.1 personal computer, a pathetically low-end but fortunately fairly recent model; and, in such endeavor, I have already downloaded Virtual Studio as well the Windows Windows Phone 8.1 Update and Emulators (http://www.microsoft...s.aspx?id=43719). However, I am not certain as to how I should proceed henceforth, given that the step-by-step guides available from various online Web sites are incomplete, inapplicable, outdated, confusing, or inaccurate, and all too often all five or any combination thereof.


Your help is appreciated greatly. Many thanks.

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Natalie Green

Natalie Green


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  If you can get the URL or embed code i would use keepvid.com because i use it all the time and i know it will not give your computer viruses, but there are also other ones such as clipnabber.com, videodl.com, javimoya.com, youtubex.com, kissyoutube.com, youddl.com and probably many more. Hope i helped!

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