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Linking one link to two frames with ImageReady

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  • PipPip
  • 26 posts
Look at the bold part below. When I click those coordinates, I want movies.html to come up in content2, and I also want moviesbutton.jpg to come up in title2. Is there anything I'm doing wrong? When I click the link, a scaled down version of moviesbutton.jpg comes up, and movies.html comes up in a new window. This is really aggravating. And in IE, there white to the top and left of the title2 iframe. I don't understand!! Please help...


<META name="description" content="Website dedicated to funny movies made by Devin Brines and Vaughn Brines">
<META name="keywords" content="Brines Films, Brines, Devin Brines, Vaughn Brines, Episode VII, Sweedish Tree Jumping, Episode

7, Swedish Tree Jumping, Wonderful Morning, A Wonderful Morning, The Wonderful Morning, Star Wars, funny videos, funny

movies, funny site">
<title>Brines Films - Come on, you know you love it.</title>

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HREF="http://www.a-free-gu...sername=Brines" TARGET="_blank">

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279,468, 271,459, 264,466, 253,469, 241,467, 211,464, 190,465, 160,468, 155,462, 156,456, 155,446" HREF="aboutus.html"


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141,404" HREF="affiliates.html" TARGET="content2">

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302,362, 305,357, 300,349, 292,343, 281,345, 275,343, 265,345, 259,345, 246,346, 237,343, 224,340, 211,339, 202,337"

HREF="music.html" TARGET="content2">

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311,312, 304,306, 295,303, 277,302, 255,303, 244,304, 226,304, 208,302, 194,302, 181,294" HREF="movies.html"
TARGET="content2" onClick="parent.title2.location='moviesbutton.jpg'">

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280,263, 298,265, 296,280, 293,281, 294,288, 292,291, 293,302, 246,302, 214,303, 192,302, 190,297" HREF="news.html"

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