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New PC - Reboots after successful POST

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Hi There,

I recently built a new PC and haven't been able to get the system to successfully boot. I can enter the BIOS and view my settings - it detects the drives installed (I've taken it down to the CDROM and HD until I can get at least a basic system running), however, after I exit the BIOS the monitor loses signal and then the PC reboots. Occasionally I will get a screen indicating that Windows didn't start successully and I have the option of booting in safe mode - which I've tried, the same problem occurs.

I thought perhaps there was some kind of driver conflict that was causing a reboot cycle so I attempted to boot with my XP CD with the intention of re-installing a fresh copy of Windows, however it won't even let me boot into the CD... it begins to spin like it's about to start up into the setup screens, and then once again the monitor seems to lose signal and the PC reboots.

I've put the specs below - any advice is very much appreciated. I had considered that it might be due to the fact that I have a 20-pin PSU and the MB has a 24-pin plug - but even with the bare minimum (one stick of RAM, Video card and HD) it still happens, I'm assuming that if I can get into POST that my PSU is providing enough power? Could I be wrong?

Christina (the girl who used to be good at this stuff!)

Standard ATX case with 350W PSU - 20-pin
Intel Pentium4 530J 3.0Ghz 1MB/800FSB S775 Processor
Asus P5LD2 i945P S775 PCIe Mainboard w/Audio/SATA/RAID/GBLan
1GB PC4200 DDR2 Memory
Maxtor 30GB IDE HD (old drive with XP already installed - works beautifully in my old system)
Asus Extreme AX300SE-X 128MB PCI-E DH 64Bit Video Card w/TV-Out
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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you need to have something plugged into those extra 4 plugs...to my knowledge...

just to be sure....is this a mother board with a 20 pin connector then a seperate 4 pin one?
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Yes, the MB has a 24 pin connector and a separate 4-pin connector. My PSU has a 20-pin and a separate 4-pin - I've plugged in the other 4-pin where it belongs, but that does of course leave the 4 extra pins open on the 24 pin connector.

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you need This if after trying the connector the computer still has the same behavior maybe the psu is not enough for the system.

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