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Problems contacting gtg hosting about account issue Im having!

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  • PipPipPip
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I've been trying to email gtg hosting over a problem Im having with my account but my emails keep getting returned to me. It's probably because I havent got my head around opera mail client. I have tried sending it direct from my yahoo and hotmail accounts but it keeps getting returned to me!
Could someone maybe pass this onto the appropriate person for me?

I'm having a problem trying to login to gtg hosting. I set up an account on friday while buying a domain name. I think I might have been taking too long over it as it seemed to time-out when I tried to proceed to another page. I tried a few times to go through the set up process again but it kept telling me that this user was already registered but when I tried just to log in it said no such user exists. I've just tried logging in again today and it's still saying I don't exist, but I successfully bought the domain name on friday so I must be registered.
Apparently the domain name is pending authorisation because I payed using an unverified paypal account, so this is why I just tried to log in to check on it's status. I expected this transaction would have been autorised by now too. Could you check out the situation for me? Thanks.

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I notified administration and they should be getting back to you shortly. :tazz:
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    Founder Geek

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I replied to your email this morning.

The support email is: support {at} gtghosting.com, or open a support ticket.
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