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vido capture software

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Thanks to the admin for getting me on the right path :whistling:

The family is going out of town for 8 days... I want to use my webcam to monitor my home while I'm away via laptop or another computer.... I found this website that allows you to put your webcam on a server. (free server is slow but hay it's free so what can you say right?)

I would like to use a free image capturing software that would record the images to my hard drive or other storage device.

Being gone for 8 days, what are my options? recording 24 hrs daily will eat up alot of harddrive space? Thanks for any and all suggestions and options... Remember it has to be free, mmmkay? :blink: (the trip is costing enough lmao )
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Since I asked ya to post this, Ill put my 2 cents in.

I know this kind of technology exists. Here at work we use a software that does video capture (based on motion activation), but it doesnt do anything web based. And its not free (hope thats not the only qualifying factor because I dont think anyone gives this type of thing away).

My buddy has one with 3 webcams (one at each door and one on the garage), it can turn the lights on and off and do a bunch of other stuff all by remote. He can http into the server and turn stuff on and off at home. Its cool technology.

ScHwErV :whistling:
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