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Making a DVD video for DVD player

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Hello, I'm trying to make a DVD-Video that will play on my home DVD players. I have this movie in avi format that is 800 MB, now I just want that movie on the DVD with no menus of anything, just auto play it. I just would like a list of freeware programs that can do this. I'v already made the video into .vobs and.bups however its 4.71GB some how, does the encoding really waste that much space? Even if it does I should be able to use DVD shrink to fit it on one 4.7GB DVD however shrink wont take .vobs as a input. Any suggestions appreciated.

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hmmm...i don't know if that's completely possible. you might just need to put up with the menu's and everything. you might want to try getting the full version of Nero. I don't know if it's free, but it's worth every penny if it's not. It has all kinds of programs on it, and i'm sure that it would be able to shrink the dvd.
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Nero7 isn't free I know that but if you will be burning DVD's or CD's then it's definantly the one you need to purchase. It can do pretty much everything you can do with a burner, so it's well worth the money if you want to purchase one.

There aren't very many (if any) free DVD-burner programs out there, so I'd invest in Nero. :whistling:
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so does nero 7 will automatically convert certain viedo files to .vob (dvd files) and then burn to a dvd?

if it does...then im gonna buy it...
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Sadly no. It has no converting tool whatsoever. The best thing of Nero though is how flexible it is and it's very user friendly (my favorite bit is the small bar that shows how much CD space is left to see how much music I can cram on one CD :whistling:)

Anyway, Nero requires (to burn a DVD) that the files be .vob, .bup, or .ifo or they can't go in. Now I don't have any of these so I don't know if it converts it when it goes in but I'm like 80% sure it doesn't do any conversion.
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arg...i have tried some free trial converters...one froze in the midway (WinAVI)...one took all my cpu and like 200mb ram (dvdSanta)...

anything else that is better than that...?
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Retired Tech

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Nero will convert a number of file formats, click start smart, select make dvd movie, click make movie, browse to select the file, click + to add it to the timeline, click more, click video options, click dvd, set it for high quality 2 passes, click yes for setting this as default, click export, look in NeroVision, exported video for the mpeg which you then use with start smart, make dvd, add video files
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hi keith,

I have followed your steps once i downloaded the nero trial. But it seemed that the dvd i burnt didnt work. It was flashing in the tv screening when i put the disk in a dvd player. Anything that i did wrong or what?
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Retired Tech

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Does it play on the PC?
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hmm yea, pc works
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Retired Tech

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If you have another DVDR set the record speed to 4X
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hmm? I dont get what you mean...
Im new to this whole burning world because i just bought a new computer that comes with a burner...so i dont know what you are talking about

anywaz...i go back and look at the setting. Inside the setting, i think it was set to maximize when i burned the dvd. There are three other options: 2X(3324kbps), 2X(2770kbps) and 1X(1385kbps). Other burners that I have tried can allow you to set the speed to 4x.
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Retired Tech

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Any of those speeds will do

Is it a DVD-R or a DVD+R disc

The dvd player probably won't play a DVDRW disc

Has anyone made a DVDR on their PC that you can borrow to test in your dvd player
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hi keith,

Im trying to burn it on to a dvd-r disk. And yes, the dvdr that i borrowed did work in my dvd player. They didnt just burn the video straight from nero. They said that you have to convert them into .vob first then use the Nero burning rom to burn.
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Retired Tech

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Set up a disc as per post 7, when you get the burn options, click write to folder on the drive, create a folder if you do not have one, when it has finished, they will be vob files in the folder, but exactly the same as it would have written to a DVD-R

You can choose add files and insert them from the folder, you only need the largest files, not the info or back up info files
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