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Edited by admin, 12 May 2006 - 10:45 PM.
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Edited by admin, 12 May 2006 - 10:45 PM.
The big reason most will upgrade DX10, games are fast becoming one of the largest enterainment mediums and whatever they need to work people will get.
Are you actually kidding, Console gaming is very far behind PCs in terms of selection, quality and technology the PS3 and 360 currently have a slight edge on a pc but the xbox360 will lose it as soon as dx10 cards for the pc are released and the PS3 i would say within 6 months of release if not less for PCs to outpace it. Consoles not only have a power and functionality disadvantage they are limited to using controllers and very few of these can offer the functionality and performance of a keyboard and mouse for FPS, RTS and a lesser extent RPG the 3 most popular game genres.
PC gaming is also growing alot in popularity as people realise the greater potential of the PC over the console and its general flexability. Consoles are fine if you occasionally play games but for those whose preffered entertainment is games they are sorely lacking, and PCs in the long run are often cheaper because games for PC have to be much more competitvley priced.
I would never buy a mac for a few reasons, one the hardware is now just bog standard PC fair, its poorly assemled with some fairly inferior kit, and they make dell pricing look good. And ive never been keen on the OS as i was most severely put off by OS8 and 9 and never had the patience for 10 as it takes twice as long to do the job i wanted to do in windows. It seems to me the only advantage to the macs is they come with ilife which i would never use anyway or use some of the really amazing windows apps to do the jobs which people seem to forget about.
Windows is an investment when it comes to safety and ease twenty minutes when you install and some good habits will keep most people safe for several years ive never had a piece of malware that i wasnt suspecting would be there. And ive had this pc a year now and ive only had to do two install of windows and one was to partition my hard drive again nothing to do with the OS. And The size of PCs is rivalling that of consoles if you want a console size pc or smaller thats no problem easily done. And pcs have great wireless options you can get wireless terminals to get it to the TV, ive got a big tv and when my PC is hooked up to it it puts an xbox to shame.
I also dont see how having no problems with windows is exceptional, i know ALOT of people who have had no problems at all, none of my immediate family members have ever had a problem to my knowledge(me being the fix it guy i would know) none of my friends have(except my lan friends but they like messing with computers so breaking stuff is expected). Even being on here hasnt changed my mind about that because there are millions of windows users and we dont see millions of problems.
Windows XP is just too unstable. It slows down over time, requires too much maintenance and drama to keep optimized etc etc etc..
Edited by warriorscot, 23 May 2006 - 10:37 AM.
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