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Where to find my mail on slave HDD ?

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  • PipPip
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I just had a DVD burner and 160 gig HDD to add to the other 120 gig one.
I also had a new 2496 soundcard along with a new 550 watt PS for it all.

It's fine except i can't find my OLD outlook express and ALL the posts and my contacts on the slave HDD,which was the HDD i had it all on.[C]

I've done something wrong setting up my mail which i also need to fix,but i really need all my old mail and especially the contacts.
Can anyone suggest where i should be looking ?
I have spent ages over several days to find them all with no luck,and i have googled for an answer but still no joy.

I do realise i should have saved everything but i tried to find it before the clean install on my new drive,but i couldn't.
It also wasn't me who did the work,and the guy who did it all never warned me if i would lose my mail by doing this,if that's true or not i don't know.

My old HDD had XP Pro installed on it[still has it on a widows folder]but it was a pirate and got a friend to install a new legal copy of XP Pro on my NEW 160 gig HDD,which runs as the master in a master/slave condiguration.
I was told by one guy i've lost the lot :blink: ,which i really hope isn't true.
I was running OE as my mail App and i didn't change any default settings on it if that helps at all,so does anyone have any ideas where i should look ?
cheers. :whistling:
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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IF the old drive was never formatted before switching to a slave drive..you could re jumper it as master ( pull out the new drive just to be sure you're booting to the right drive) and boot to the windows install that's still on it...then open up OE and follow their instructions for exporting your emails and contacts (i believe there's an entry in the OE help files)
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