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Cheerleader Stumper

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    Je suis Napoléon!

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first...there are no other words in MODERN english that end in gry

second..your signature images are way to large (both physically and file size...we've got a 16k combined avatar/signature image limit here.. be kind to dialup users.)...please either resize them or get rid of them
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first...there are no other words in MODERN english that end in gry

- well i sorta agree,
here is the list of All GRY ending words, some of them old literature some modern.... but the answer is not in it! - well the answer i came up with, as it says a word we use often...

think bout 'gry' in an another way..... still dont get it, post again, i lll give u another clue...

can i keep the fort minor sig ??? PLEASE??? <-- nvm, its 56K!

Edited by vika09, 05 August 2006 - 09:07 PM.

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gry you made it so obvious :)
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Your in a room with no windows nor doors, the walls and ceiling and floor are completly solid. There is a wooden box in the center. How do you get out?

Okay this is an old thread alright, someone's been doing some digging... :)

Anyway, I can't believe that nobody has given the correct answer for this yet! That is, the correct answer I know, anyway...

You perform a karate chop and break the wooden box into two halves. Then, you put the two halves back together again. Two halves creates a whole. Then you climb out through the hole.

Okay so it looks funny in writing, but that's what my mate always used to say, and everyone would groan!
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