I was working on a small scale project one day and then it began to grow and grow. As the project grew i expected more and more out of the program i was using to more and more and offer more for me to do. Quickly i grew out of Movie maker and was soon attached to Adobe premiere 2.0.
Well that project is over and done with, and now a high profile company saw the video and is interested on having me make one for them (different theme of course). I'm hocked on premiere, but i used my schools to do it(at school of course). Well its time i bought something of my own to use on my computer so i can do this work at home. So, here is the question, i need some recommendations on some software (released or to be realeased). I'm setting a budget of 125$CAD. Is there anything better out there that I ought to demo and give a try before I go ahead and bye premiere. The other reason i siding with premiere is because i can get it bundled with photoshop at a reduced price.
What do you'll think?