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Help networkin xbox 360 to laptop

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Hass Legend

Hass Legend

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I am also experiencing the same problem really...
I am trying to connect to the internet from my 360 via my laptop...
i am using the ethernet cable which came with the 360...
the 360 system recognises the connection between laptop and itself but i can never get beyond the IP adress stage... it never identifies the IP address... i have enabled Internet Connection Sharing on my Laptop... still no success... my laptop is connected to net via wireless router. I am running on Windows Vista Home Premium.. Any help would be much appreciated...

Thx :)
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Hi I'm new to this site and have just bought a xbox 360, and not impressed with the controller! I saw on this thread that you said a guy can get a keyboard and a mouse for 360 consel ?
I have a laptop and have it networked to the 360, but it seems thats only good for music, ext.

Do you have any suggestions?
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