Basically I am using a neural net to predict the outcome of ice hockey matches.
The neural network I am using is a Feed-Forward, Multi-Layered Perceptron, trained with the Back-Propogation Learning Algorithm, written in C++
The stages of my project are as follows: Collect as much data on NHL Ice Hockey as possible. This data is then preprocessed into a format that the network can understand. The format I am using is Binary-Sigmoid, where all data is turned into a value between 0 and 1. This data is then run in the network and the results are recorded.
The data is collected, stored and processed as a .csv file (excel file), as I found this way the easiest method, but when run in the network it is saved as a notepad file.
For some reason when I try to run the network get the following message: "Unable to access data set". The network was working fine with some sample data that my university tutor provided when he gave me thenetwork, but for some reason it doesn't work with my data and I cannot understand why. I have tried many different things to try and resolve this problem, but nothing has worked.
Can anyone help by telling me what i'm doing wrong or at least give me some pointers, cause it's really annoying me!!! If not does anyone know of a site where I could get help?
If needed I can provide a sample of my data.
Cheers guys!!!