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popups accessing my desktop and programs

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:whistling: :blink:

I just spent an hour typing my problem then lost it. will try again but not in so much detail as my patients are thin. I get popups of sexual nature coming up when my popup blocker is on. it can now add itself to other sites I go to, ie I went to 7sunrise site then the sexual popups were on the site like advertising, I don't think they would advertise this stuff? sometimes when you try to click to open the stinken thing it cuts my dial up connection. (I think it is trying to access my phone line)one popup had put itself into my programs and added an icon on my desk top e-credit. I asked my provider to see if they could help and they surgested some software. I found I had some they had surgested but think may be they were not activated properly to work. since then I think I have my ad-aware working but get an ad-ware (ad watch alarm) come up when I run my window washer.
an attempt to alter object has been detected (attempt to add a registry value) it shows root, key, value, data, new data, please choose how to proceed? accept? block? click here for advice? when I click for advice it tells me nothing I can understand???

and I still get these sexual popups as I have young children who access the internet it is becoming very stressfull as I have no control of what flashes up in front of my kids. I have other problem but if someone could help this is the most stressful, if you can help, can you please keep it simple I try to understand but at times its all abit to much the pace is getting faster or I'm getting slower? or both!
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Hey there hadanuf, welcome to Geeks To Go Forums.

Yip, it sounds like you are infected with malware.

So please read this: Read This Before Posting A Hijackthis Log (Click on the link)

That will give you steps that will help you clean up 70% of the problems yourself. Then please download "Hijackthis" and run Hijackthis with log. Save the log file here: Malware Removal - HiJackThis Logs Go Here

When you have followed all these steps. A Geeks To Go Staff Member will help you fix your problem.

(Note: Please be patient, the "Malware Forum" is a very busy place and a two or three day wait is not unusual.)

Thank you and goodluck. :whistling:
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