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Weird problem – Please Help

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My Dell 8400 computer is randomly deleting files. They are usually some or all of the files on my desktop, but it recently began deleting any file I save to My Documents and now other areas of the computer, even my start menu. I scanned and scanned for viruses with Norton System Works, but it has not found anything ever.

Now here is the weirdest part: We have two of these Dells in the office and after not being able to fix the problem, I switched and began using the other Dell. With this other computer I used the wireless network card from the first computer, transferred my Thunderbird email back file (which I scanned for viruses) and use the same network and access point. Other than that I was now using a totally different computer. Well, guess what. When I turned on the computer yesterday all the files on the desktop were gone. Today, even more files are gone. The only thing that was the same on the computers were my Thunderbird backup email and the same network card?!?! I am totally lost as to how to figure out what is going on here? Both computers keep deleting files almost randomly….I have no idea what’s going on?

Please Help

Thanks so much,

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