I have a network storage box set up with FreeNAS 0.671, which is based off of FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE (revison 199506). I can access the formatted, mounted drives both by CIFS and by FTP. I have a decent number of files I want to move from one drive to the other via FTP since CIFS takes so long. FTP works for upload/delete as well as moving files around on a particular drive.
However, whenever I try to move files from one mounted drive to the other, I get this type of error:
RNFR /mnt/media/test.txt 350 RNFR accepted - file exists, ready for destination RNTO /mnt/misc/test.txt 550 Rename/move failure: Cross-device link
I have tried logging in as root, same error. I have looked through the available settings in the webGUI for FreeNAS but couldn't find anything related. Any help would be greatly appreciated.