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Audio sync problem - please help...

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Hi everyone. First post and i'm not a PC 'Geek' so go easy on me.

I've got a film which is in AVI format. Before converting it with Convertxtodvd I checked the audio sync. The audio turns out to be about 600ms early, consistently through the whole lenght of the film. So I run it through AVIMux with a -600ms delay and it sorts the problem out just fine.
Or so I think.
For the first half hour of the film the audio sync is perfect but then it slowly begins to wander off and by the second half the audio is as far out as it was originally.
I looked on the internet and find a forum which says I can sort this out by converting the audio to CBR instead of VBR. I do as it says and use VirtualDub.
However, when I try to save the the audio as a WAV using 'full processing mode' I get an error message saying

"NO audio decompressor could be found to decompress the source audio format. Source format tag: 2000 "

So I saved the WAV without selecting 'full processing mode' and it works. Next I use TMPGenc to knit them back together but when it's finished processing the MPG, the quality is terrible and there's no audio at all!

I can't think what to do with it now, other than sending it on a one way journey to the recycle bin. I can't find any more help in the forums that isn't written in double dutch.

Any one think how I can sort this out?

Many thanks.
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Retired Tech

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In ConvertX2DVD, click settings, click burning, remove the tick from burn result to DVD, click Audio, check that don't check/fix audio is unticked

Click window and tick information and then log

Load the file, click convert and look at description for any audio discontinuities

You can either convert the whole file or cancel it if it shows audio errors and play back the part already converted to see if it has dealt with the audio synch
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Thanks for your reply Keith.

I did what you said. I let it convert the whole movie but the sync still wanders off, just like the AVI does before conversion. It doesn't report any audio discrepancies.

I just don't get how the audio can be perfect then go off even after i've put it through AVIMux, when the original AVI has the same bad sync but it stays even through out the whole film...

Any more ideas?

Thanks again.

Edited by navarone, 07 September 2006 - 07:25 AM.

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