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I was able to fit 13 30mins episodes on on DVDR-5, with one subtitle and one audio stream.

To do that what I did was (if I can remember) was firstly extract all the files manually (copy and paste), or use DVD decrypter (better and to remove copyright) for each DVD you want to use, in thier own folder.

Open up DVD shrink, and go re-author and load all the files you've copied in each allocated directory for each DVD you've copied. Remove sences you don't want and stream you don't want.

Deep analyze it, for better compression, set your compression settings, and start encoding.

I think thats the way to go, I don't remember it too much.

However I made another DVD with 13 eps, two audio streams and two subtitle streams and it turned out to become a DVDR-9 due to bad compression and too many extra streams.

But you totally need a huge Hard Drive for this process.

Edited by leingod, 08 September 2006 - 07:31 AM.

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To do a series, yeah, Nero would help you with that. I'm big on quality, so with dvd shrink, I don't like to bring it below 60% quality, so I end up spreading them between a few discs.
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