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Converting RAM

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I found some audio clips online that I would like to add to my MP3 JukeBox ZenXtra I carry with me, to listen to music and such.
I downloaded to files onto my computer, plugged my Jukebox in and tried to copy them into my playlist. It didn't let me, saying the format didn't match and is not compatible. The files I downloaded were only listenable via Real Player, so I dl'ed it and the files are of "RAM" type.
I want to put them on my mp3 player so I can listen to them on the go, but I need to convert them, I tried downloading several programs that supposadly convert RAM to mp3 or Wav etc. but they all don't work (and if they will work they probably let you convert only half the file anyways).

So, can you please help me and tell me how I can convert the RAM files fully?

Thank you very much.
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The 'Akram Audio Converter' claims to be able to convert RAM to MP3, though I've never had need of it myself, you may want to give it a try.


The trial is limited to 15 uses of the converter, so you can make sure it does what it says before buying (registration key costs $24)

Edited by pip22, 15 September 2006 - 12:25 PM.

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Okay, I dl'ed the akram program, but it won't work.
It tells me I can only convert one file at a time on an unregistered version, that's okay, so I put one file first, and try to convert it into mp3, but the program tells me "file format error" which is wierd...
it doesn't matter what specific RAM file i try to convert or whether I try to make it mp3 or wma or w/e, it still says the error about the format...

any ideas?
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Well thank god for free trials then! It's possible if the RAM files were encoded recently, Real (the company|) may have modified the format to frustrate attempts to convert them (at least until the new format has been 'cracked'). Why not just do what i did to find a suitable application -- Google it of course! Just type "convert realaudio files" (with quotes) and search through the hits.

For example, another one here. free to try (limited to 30secs conversion per file)


With patience you can find the right tool to do just about anything with a good search-engine like google.

If you keep getting 'file format error' or similar with all the converters you try, but the file plays okay in RealPlayer, then I would guess the RAM format has been modified by Real since that converter was created. Real are currently trying every trick in the book to stop realmedia files from being converted to a popular format because they heavily depend on revenue generated by the RealPlayer -- even the free version is a vehicle for pushing subscription-paid services at you. Apple are behaving in a similar fashion with Quicktime which (officially at least) is now only available with iTunes bolted on whether you want it or not. And Microsoft have been penalised for trying to squeeze them both out -- Microsoft were doing us a favour in my opinion -- give me WMP anyday. The world's gone mad!

Good luck in your search.

Edited by pip22, 16 September 2006 - 02:02 PM.

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Heh, thank you for all the help, I prefer WMP and hate quicktime...

Anyhow, I see the only solution is to search and search, so i'll post no more questions about this topic and I'll just wait until I find my right converter.

Thank you.
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