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Programming for engineering, Fortran + Java

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Hey, I've been out the game a while and was never really heavily into programming i learned basic back in school did a little looking into C++ but never got really into it really but i remember the principles and good practices so I'm more looking for some resources to brush up my skills because I'm switching to a purely chemical engineering degree or at least thinking about it and know that the next couple of years i would be working with Fortran(not familiar with it no of it and when it first came about but never used it) and Java which I'm familiar with and been meaning to learn for a while. I can find tonnes of java stuff and actually have some stuff bookmarked and researched, FORTRAN not to sure how easy thats going to be to find good stuff if anyone has anything it would be welcomed.

But its more specific Engineering coding skills I'm looking at things i particular need to learn as i want to get a head start and i obviously enjoy the geeky turn of my degree. So does anyone know of any good coding for engineers resources on-line or anyone familiar with coding in this context who has any advice for me, I'm assuming its going to be mostly for calculation and device interface work but its early days so I'm not sure.

If anyone has any advice much appreciated ill be looking about myself later so if i find anything useful ill post it so others can see it if anyone else goes the evil path of engineering or Fortran.

Edited by warriorscot, 14 September 2006 - 01:41 PM.

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sorry for the delayed reply.

I have recent expereience and code for least squares problems and a link
to a fortran program for simplex coding.
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