Thanks for the info. I used your advice to scan my system for malware and found a trojan: Alanchum.pv.
Couldn't find anything about it, but found a discription on Net-Security regarding Alanchum.NX (desciption from the website is included below). I assume it's the same thing. Pretty amazing - after several scans only Panda Activescan picked it up.
However, I STILL can't get CLICK to DVD to capture my analog video - get the same error message.
Anyone have any other ideas?
Week in review: Alanchum.NX
Posted on 26.01.2007
Alanchum.NX is a downloader Trojan which is downloaded onto computers by the Gagar.CG Trojan. Like all downloader malware, it is capable of downloading files from the Internet, installing and running them on the affected computer. Alanchum.NX can download its own updates in order to spread new variants. This Trojan steals email addresses stored on infected computers in order to spam them and also sends them to other compromised computers to do the same. This results in a significant increase in network traffic with the corresponding resource wastage. Each update is programmed to change the subject of the messages it sends, using subjects such as “Fidel Castro Dead” “Hugo Chávez dead” or “Sadam Hussein Alive” to tempt users into opening them.
Some Alanchum.NX variants have rootkit features developed to conceal the processes the Trojan executes on the computer and making it more difficult to detect. Panda Software’s TruPreventTM Technologies however, detected Alanchum.NX and its variants from the outset.