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problems saving a file on windows movie maker

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  • PipPipPip
  • 173 posts
have done a film for my daughters 1st birthday (like many ive done before) but for some reason, i cannot save the finished article as a movie (WMV) file or any type so i can burn to a CDR

i have ffdshow decoder program that im sure ive always had so last time i did a film on this package i had now problems. Now every time i try to save the project as a wmv file, it gets to 4% and just keeps increasing the time left,and if i left it would still be there tomorrow still at 4%.

the film is no larger than anyothers ive done and consists of pictures,bit of camcorder footage and 2 mp3 files from my music library

i want to get it onto cd for her birthday tomorrow and am stuck

any help much appreciated

any pc experts still awake
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