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Where is Windows Vista RC2?

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Where is Windows Vista RC2?

:whistling: It seems M$ has gone back to only RC1...What the...!?!

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I believe they stopped people from downloading RC2 last week.
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Yeah, they only wanted to "hand out" a couple thousand or so copies of the beta test release.

So now ya gotta wait. I seen a news clip for it or a post somewhere, I'll look and post here.
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here is the post I found:

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now its time to wait for the final release :whistling:
Can hardly wait!

Edited by james_8970, 22 October 2006 - 02:18 PM.

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Yeah you had to be fast to get RC2, its pretty good if you got it, a few little bugs but no more than XP seems to have at times so the final release should be good, it even runs ok mind you could do with keeping the memory usage below the half gig mark thats my only complaint. I dont know if ill get the final release to be honest ill see how well linux emulators handle dx10 first vista is better than XP but its not 200 pounds better by a long shot.
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What i want to know is what took them so long to build the thing, because i heard the same thing from many people. Its been 5 years going to be about 6 by the time its out.....knowing them i'm just waiting for the next delay! The longest release between two OS i bet you. And if there isn't a big difference i'll be wondering about the future of Microsoft, because I believe the compitition is about to get tough in the near future since they don't tend to want to work with anyone else....HD-DVD being the exception.

Edited by james_8970, 22 October 2006 - 06:59 PM.

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It would have been released by now for the holiday shopping season if it wasn't for some security/quality issues they found with the software There was a few news releases about this during late spring or early summer.

Some of the links are below:



I was really disappointed that I couldnt get the new beta release, I missed the deadline by 12 hours.

I've seen some of the RC1 capabilities but there was alot of issues and was kind of a let down.

But as far as going out and paying nearly $300 to $400 for the new release off top doesn't seem practical at this point. I'm going to wait for a bit, for to see just how secure it really is and see when the big news headline comes out about the big flaw that someone finds. There always seems to be one so, we'll see.

Edited by System101, 22 October 2006 - 10:36 PM.

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Vista took so long because they decided to go with a long haul approach and certain lessons were taken from XP that delayed it they also bit off a bit more than they could chew which again delayed it. Next OS they are planning a shorter turnaround two or 3 years it should also be cheaper and closer to Vista than vista is to XP.
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I was really thinking that i was going to be buying vista, but the more i look into in the more it seems like it'd be a waste of money. Considering that you need 2GB of ram to run the thing smothly with areo (being 100% safe, or thats what some are saying) and 3-4GB of ram for gaming (once again, i havn't tested it out for my self, this is from others experience). I want the version below ultimate, but the more i look into things the more i realize that if i stick with XP, my computer will be faster with less hardware and less money. And is the video editing software coming with the ultimate version and the other feature as well really worth the extra 150$? i think i'll just go buy the photoshop bundle......
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Hopefully they will be able to tighten up the memory usage once its released, but honestly the stuff it adds isnt anything that they would have to much difficulty putting into XP at least UI wise and DX10 is its only real selling point for me, ill probably be going back to XP soon.
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DX10, IS my only selling point, i think i'm going to check out the differences between DX9.0L and DX 10, and if there is virtually nothing then i'm going to stick with XP and then upgrade later on down the road.
Edit: That being that they don't go and release games that require DX 10.

Edited by james_8970, 23 October 2006 - 04:17 PM.

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Edit: That being that they don't go and release games that require DX 10.

They are.

Edited by System101, 23 October 2006 - 06:42 PM.

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For now all i have heard is rumors from other people. I have yet to see something in an article saying this.
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I also have herd rumors, but, if they are coming out with a new direct X then one came assume that the next generation of games will be designed for the new driver, however, how long it will take to become as mainstream as dx 9.0 is anyones guess, but alot of hardcore Halo fans I have spoken to or communicated with have indicated that the next Halo (Halo 3), due out whenever, will be designed to run on Windows Vista along with the new DX driver.

But the biggest question I have is, since Vista is going to be such a memory hog, will it become as mainstream as XP has? And how practical will it be for businesses to upgrade to Vista considering the fact the amount of money it would take to upgrade the individual computer workstations Not to mention the overall cost of upgrading just the OS it's self.
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