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XBox 360 Vs Wii (and soon PS3)

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Personally a few years ago you could not have paid me to buy an Xbox. Today I owe a 360. I think Microsoft is on the right track to making the 360 a monster against PS3. I say PS3 because the Wii is in a catagory of it's own. Not because its "so fun to play" but because it just doesn't compare to the other two systems. The Wii in three years is going to take a hit due to the lack of firepower it is packing, but then again that's my thoughts...not everyone feels the same way.

Sony is screwing up big time right now. Anyone following Digg knows that Sony lost ownership to two exclusives for the PS3 because they had their heads up their a$$ while releasing the PS3. Only time will tell if the PS3 is going to survive or fail.

Personally...they lost Assassin's Creed and GTA IV....If....and this is a big IF they lose Metal Gear Solid 4 (which rumors are spreading...the latest says the developers are not happy that PS3 has no rumble feature anymore) then they are done for....FF or not.

Capcom is already jumped on board with Dead Rising. But the Xbox 360 is already ahead of the game in terms of being out longer which gives them an advantages since developers like ubisoft and capcom have had a year to learn the software...

Want proof the Xbox 360 is worth you money?

Dead Rising - Gears of War - Assassin's Creed - Halo 3 - Castle Crashers - GTA IV

and the list goes on....keep stealing those titles and PS3 is going to fold like a dead duck!
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Just because a console loses exclusivity doesnt neccesarily make it a bad thing, it often showcases capabilities, it could in fact be a good thing for PS3 its an entirely more powerful beast and if developers take the time to code for it properly it would show a distinct advantage, Blu ray is a pain in the [bleep] for sony but it does have the advantage of allowing much greater content, some new 360 games are having to come on 3 DVDs soon. PS3 is probably going to end up more like xbox was a slow burner but steady and long lasting itll just encourage more competition which is a good thing sony have also got very good at updating there software after release so it should be an entirely different console in a couple of months time. Personally i wouldnt buy a 360 or a PS3 for at least 6 months if ever. PS3 in general is also targeted more strongly towards the media center side than xbox is.

Wii is different in that nintendo have a shorter life on their consoles usually and are going to bring out another one in 3 or 4 years by putting together cheaper console with off the shelf parts they can saturate the market with a cheaper console and concentrate primarily on content, its a good plan and it will more than likely work better than either console.

digg is good but if it has a console in the name its 99% of the time BS.
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I totally agree with you for some points but the fact is Sony is losing right now. How much is Xbox losing per console? What about Nintendo? Oh that's right...not $200+ like Sony.

Sony is a sinking ship to me. I would've never bought an Xbox 360 a year ago. I thought it was crap when it first came out but the Xbox is proving itself more and more. Now with more consoles on the market whats going to happen?

Fact is none of us know. We'd all like to guess and judge but no one has a clue what people are going to buy more than the others. All I know is go here for laughes =>


:whistling: :blink: :help: :) :rofl: :rofl: :help: :lol: :D
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All the systems will stay on the market, and just to point something out, I don't know the exact numbers but microsoft loses but i believe its around 200$ per system sold and Sony around 350$. No one is "sinking the ship" just different marketing, besides in the long run, Sony's system is going be better, wait a year or 2, better hardware=better games/performance/flexiblity in what the coders will be able to create. They get the systems out to the people then sell the games to make their money. And no i don't like anyone over the other, a gaming PC is the way to go....I believe, more money but more flexibility.

Edited by james_8970, 28 November 2006 - 03:21 PM.

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Ms lost more than $200 on the first few months of xbox releases, the money they lose is mostly due to the incredibly expensive blu ray drives, buying a seperate drive on its own is far more than the cost of a single PS3.
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lol, was just about to edit my post for that as well, but god on that site, there sure is a die hard wii-ner :whistling:
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I could've swore that PS3 was losing more than Microsoft. But I have no sources to back it up so I am pretty sure you guys are right. As for the "sinking ship" I am referring to Sony's profits in the last few months. Sony is dipping and losing money left and right. Of course I am sure one could argue so is Microsoft.

So let's agree to disagree. :whistling:

As for PC systems I feel they can offer a ton more and yet they hardly ever do. I was seriously disappointed in the release of Black and White 2. Since then I really haven't looked back so I guess it's not fair but PC system games are too expensive. Buying a top notch system just to get top notch graphics can easily set you back some money!

Plus I am not a big fan of how unreliable most games are...the bugs are horrible. Black and White 2 was another prefect example of that.
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PC gamers are like £20 cheaper than console games, console games are less buggy but alot of games are out on PC first and by that time they work out some of the bugs, a PC usually lasts longer it doesn't take that much to get better performance than most consoles even the 360 its more but its balanced out by the fact that a PC can do pretty much anything.

It all depends on the developer on the games side, you get lemmings buying games on hype developers have less incentive to fix bugs before release, personally i blame that on console gamers they expect the same thing from the PC and games will just work on any system, people need to wait and judge titles on things like performance and bugs, you get developers like Valve that make a real attempt to continue franchises but do so in the same manner that they started quality work amd quality end products, then you get EA that really took off after consoles got big and bought up all the small PC developers to get the titles for console and they took a massive amount away from PC gaming because emphasis was on profit not quality entertainment.

MS were losing about 40% per unit for several months, fairly common PS2 lost money when it was released, Xbox was slightly different as it was made out of old off the shelf components, 360 was slightly similar in that all that hardware except the GPU was already in production(the cpus are the ones they used is macs) but MS had access to the GPU it was a dx10 prototype they helped develop with ATI. It was where they lost most of their cash at first as well. The losses are roughly similar however its quite impressive Sony are losing so little when you consider the cost of its parts to a normal consumer, most of them arent out yet and the GPUs are Nvidia 8 series type which came out only this month.

Sony has lost profits in some sectors the way they run there marketing has not helped, although sony is a larger company they are very diverse they make alot from the media divisions. But the hardware is always top notch which is a plus they spend huge amounts on R&D and the consumer sees that however again the ignorant consumer exacerbates the problem they keep buying products rushed out and the hardware is good but software and firmware is often rushed and it takes a while to get right, my walkmen had that problem it was good but it got better after firmware and software updates more like what it was supposed to be like. The PS3 is going to be like that its main problem right now isnt the games(PS1 and 2 had problems with launch titles too) its the software thats it largest problem, however it does use a Linux distro and you can ironically put windows XP on it, after the successes of the PSP modding community it looks like there might be a fair amount of potential for modding on the PS3 as it looks like it doesn't have all that many modding prevention measures.

Edited by warriorscot, 28 November 2006 - 04:37 PM.

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I'm not a graphics fanatic. All I want is a system that has great games, innovation, and just is plain fun to play. I played a PS3 and 360, PS3 I hated. 360 was OK, but, I now own a Wii, and am truly amazed. The motion sensors take you into the game, no more "joystick only" motion.

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Yea, xbox and PS games are far too expensive if you aks me.. thats why piracy is so big around the world, which is a shame if you ask me. If they lowered thier prices, perhaps that might end piracy... I don't know really, but it could happen...
Oh and PS3 is the way to go!
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Alot of people have been saying that for a while but no matter what the minority of us do making sure not to buy overpriced games others will always buy them rather than wait a month or two for a drop in price. I like the Wii although people allready have a windows driver for the wiimote half finished, they just need to get the IR working now and ill be so happy.
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lol, the remote could very well make things interesting.
As for piracy, it'll always be around, just like you can't eliminate homicides or any other crime, its here to stay.
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Well you can substantially reduce the rates of any crime, there probably will be piracy its no bad thing its a good check on the industry, but its how often it occurs, just like homicide is more common in some places than it is in others.

As soon as someone gets a good little guide to setting it up and putting together your own sensor bar ill be away out to the shops to buy one.
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crime can be reduced, but it cannot be eliminated.
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If anyone wants to know the people on WiiLi figured out a way using the program GlovePIE to use the Wiimote. All you need is that program and a bluetooth adapter. I don't even know if you need that program. But its great.
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