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DSl slower than dial up

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This problem has been actually in my computer before and after i downloaded IE7. My DSL speed tests are from 500k - 1mb. However my internet is so slow sometimes it takes minutes to load 10 pictures on a website. I have tried repairing my local area connection and it did not do any good. My service is currently Verizon DSL and im using a Westell model. Norton Antivirus has not detected any spyware or adware nor viruses. Any ideas as of what i can do to "bring out the full potential of my internet"
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Hi. Here's something to try. I want you to turn off any computers connected through this modem, and then unplug power to the modem. Now, leave it off for about 30 seconds, and then restore power. Your ready right it going to start blinking slowly, and then it will blink rapidly. Once that ready light stays green without flashing, turn the computer back on and see how your internet works. This fixes many speed and connection issues, and will hopefully help you. Good luck :whistling:
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