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Ok...So my heater went out in my room about a month ago so I went and bought a kerosene heater...When it gets real hott like black sutt apparently goes everywhere...And I started having some issue's when it came to playing games, it would sometimes say unplayable disc...So I would take the disc out and no scratch would be on it but you could see little black specs on the disc...So I would whipe the disk off, put it back in, restart my xbox and about 50% of the time it would work...But everytime that I would put a disk in and take it off it would have black specs on it...So the other day I was unhooking my Xbox360 to take it somewhere and I saw the black sutt all in the holes on the sides and even on the intercooler i have on the back...So I need some advise from you guys....Should i (A) take it apart and clean it or (B) take it somewhere and let someone else do it? Your input is very much appreciated
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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i tend to suggest NOT taking apart console games...as they've got some strict warranties and generally don't like it when the things been opened....if it's off warranty...you should be able to just open it up and use some canned air to blow the funk out of the device....you might also want to clean the lense off as well (the one that reads the disk)
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Yea I think that is what I need to do is get some compressed air and blow into there....thanks
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