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Win98 Profile Directory

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Hi there fellow geeks and geekettes.

I'm doing a school project to make a WinXP visually the same as Win98.
It's not so hard for the theme sections of XP, but mirroring the whole directory structure of Win98 is kinda hard.
I don't have a Win98 in hand-reach, so I can't check what the names of the folders are.
Does somebody know what the names are of these following foldernames in Win98.


Documents and Settings------------?
Program Files------------------------?
Local settings\Temp-----------------?

Are the magnifying glass and screen-keyboard already installed in standard Win98?
What kind of standard wallpapers are there in Win98 and where could I best get those wallpapers?
What about the screensavers?


Could some people please fill in some of these questions?
The haste behind this is kinda great, 2 hours from now*

What kinda files are being stored in this directory?

13:48 2-23-2007
GMT +1.00

Edited by IO-error, 23 February 2007 - 06:51 AM.

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Major Payne

Major Payne

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Kinda late, but would this help:

Cabinet Files (DOS/win95/98/Me)

Internet Explorer 5.5 for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT 4.0 File List

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