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Installing Wine and WineX confusions for beginners...

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I'd downloaded the wine from http://linux.softped.../Wine-148.shtml So what do I do now after extracting it?

I'm not sure on the second part of your question (as I use Fedora, not Ubuntu), but for the first part it's relatively painless. The file you have is the source code for the program, and what you need to do is compile the code into a functioning application. Luckily, Wine has an installer to do just that. Personally, I'm most familiar with command line installations, so I'll walk you through it that way.

1) Open your terminal/command line.

2) Use the cd command to change your directory to the extracted Wine folder.
Example: if it was on your desktop, you would use cd /home/<your user name>/Desktop/wine-0.9.32/

3) Once in the Wine directory, use ./tools/wineinstall to execute the "wineinstall" script that is in the "tools" subdirectory, within the Wine directory. Be sure to include the "." before the first "/" as this indicates that you are executing something.

4) Follow the instructions it gives you in the terminal.

5) Once it's installed, you should find it in your "Applications" menu. If you right-click on a .exe file, you should be able to "Open with" an app listed as "wine program." Alternatively, you can open things using the command line via wine /path/to/file/

This should install Wine on your system. If there are any problems, post back and let us know; we can try compiling it manually, instead.
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All rite! :whistling: I'll try it after I'd finished downloading the Edgy Eft~ I found out that learnin a "hard" OS is a cool experience :blink: and I'll tell you after I'd installed it~
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no suitable lex found. Please install the 'flex' package. is the prob now.
And one mo; make: yacc: Command not found

Edited by simon_shaft, 17 March 2007 - 09:13 AM.

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Alright, it looks like there are some missing dependencies that you'll need. "Flex" is a package that Wine needs to run, so the first thing I'd suggest is to try do get it via the apt-get command. Should be sudo apt-get install flex, in your terminal. I know on Fedora I need admin. permissions to install things, and I assume Ubuntu is the same.

Flex is a fairly common package, so it should be able to find it for you. After it installs, go through the steps I outlined earlier to run the wineinstall script. If it gives you any other dependency errors, simply sudo apt-get install <package> to try to resolve it (offhand, I think I remember needing the bison package, but I'm not positive).

If there are any dependencies that you run into that you can't find, post back. Or let us know if it works, of course :whistling:

Edit: Now that I think of it, you may want to try using sudo apt-get install wine before going through all these dependencies and such. I know Fedora has a package version, so Ubuntu might also. It'll save you the trouble of having to compile manually. Both ways will work fine in the end, and learning to compile is an important skill for any *nix OS, but using apt-get would be much easier.

Edited by ThPenguinsRComin, 17 March 2007 - 12:55 PM.

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And I suppose I'd forgotten something VERY important, I don't have any active internet connection with Linux rite now since my modem's driver only supports M$ WIndows. Thus, I can onli use the CD to install updates (sorry i forgot to mention earlier)

EDIT:And the problem when I tried to install the flex package is :make: yacc: Command not found
What does it mean?
*I downloaded the flex package through the internet and managed to find some FAQS to install it (the ./configure thing).

Edited by simon_shaft, 17 March 2007 - 09:44 PM.

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Okay! Now i'd managed to install the Wine!!! :whistling: Just one thing though, where is the launcher? (and sorry if Im talking to myself jsut like the last post; but I just can't stand watching time pass me by~)

EDIT: I think I screwed it up. I havent even typed the sudo make install. Hahaha serves me rite...

Edited by simon_shaft, 18 March 2007 - 03:06 AM.

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configure: WARNING: X development files not found. Wine will be built without
configure: WARNING: X support, which currently does not work, and probably
configure: WARNING: isn't what you want anyway. You will need to install devel
configure: WARNING: packages of Xlib/Xfree86 at the very least.

configure: WARNING: Wine will be build without OpenGL or Direct3D support
configure: WARNING: because something is wrong with the OpenGL setup:

configure: WARNING: Your system appears to have the FreeType 2 runtime libraries
configure: WARNING: installed, but 'freetype-config' is not in your PATH. Install
configure: WARNING: the freetype-devel package (or its equivalent on your distribution)
configure: WARNING: to enable Wine to use TrueType fonts.

configure: WARNING: FontForge is missing.
configure: WARNING: Fonts will not be built. Dialog text may be invisible or unaligned.

Configure finished. Do 'make depend && make' to compile Wine.

Install the X development headers and try again.
Okay, can anyone tell me what is this?
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Those are more missing dependencies. Unfortunately, not having an internet connection will make this pretty tedious...what kind of modem do you have? There might be a way we can coax it into working on your Ubuntu setup. Otherwise you'll need to start downloading those dependencies.

If you'd rather pass on the modem, I'd suggest looking for those dependencies here, or Google'ing <package>.deb (fontforge.deb, for example). Ubuntu is a Debian based distro, so if you can find .deb packages for your dependencies you will save yourself a -lot- of time and trouble. All you need to do with those is download them and then open them. They should open in your software installer automatically and then install themselves, so you won't have to go through manually compiling them all. If you can't find a .deb version, then just Google the package name. Most either have their own sites or have SourceForge sites where you can download them.
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Ok... but will installing wine with the .deb package will be better than installing with the .tar.gz?
I'd managed to install wine thru the .deb package with one dependency. ANd one mo trouble, my modem driver won't install in my com. guess that's game over... maybe i lost to my modem's driver. Still, I'm still trying on the wine that's format in .tar.gz. OK then, thx for your help, ThPenguinsRComin!~ (oh! and silverbeard too..) and the rest who helped~
*my mistake for not noticing such easily install package is available.
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Glad you got it installed, and good luck with Wine! If you ever want to try to tackle that modem, feel free to come back. I'd suggest looking around the Ubuntu forums, too, at this link. Hope you enjoy Linux :whistling:
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Okies. Thx! :whistling:
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