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Dual Routers?

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Ok so I have a network that I need to clean up a bit. Its for a large church. They have a DSL connection coming in and 10 computers to service. 4 of those systems are on a wireless network while the rest are wired.

The current setup has their standard dsl modem with no router and their main 24 port switch in one room tucked away in a closet with a server. They feed a cable from the modem to a wireless router and switch out at the front of the church so that they can cover that area with the wireless connection better. They then feed another cable back to the closet with the modem and main switch to feed the rest of the systems.

What they would like to accomplish is a church wide wireless network for laptops and other devices. My first inclination is to get another wireless router and place it in the closet next to the modem and feed the modem into it. Then I would feed another cable to the other router at the front of the church getting the entire church covered with the wireless network.

I have never plugged in more then one router to a connection before, so before I even try I thought I should ask if it is even possible first. If not, is it possible to purchase a wireless switch that isn't a router to basically extend the service from the existing router?

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With enough routers you can usually network as many as 255 computers together.
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You should be able to connect the first router directly to the cable modem and cover that area and then use the second wireless router as an access point to relay from the other area to the first router. You wouldn't have to run another cable that way.
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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as a note...it might be more intelligent to use wireless access points instead of routers....there's no need for that much routing....a wireless access point is basically just a wireless switch/hub...you could run CAT out to each location that you want an AP (say...4 corners of the building? and maybe one in the server closet? whatever)...then connect all those AP's to the main router that's connected directly to the modem...this would probably be a much cleaner installation since each router you put in will be making it's own subnet etc...where as the AP's will all be on the same subnet...just...probably a cleaner setup from the traffic standpoint.
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Ya see thats what I was thinking. Thanks.

I was looking at wireless access points on Newegg and TigerDirect.com but having never used one, I wasn't sure if that was what I needed or not. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
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