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hey everyone, Well recently i wanted to restore my computer, so i i did the usual go into system restorer and try so it says its unable to protect my computer, pleas restart, i said big deal. i did it couple of times and it did the same thing. so i decided not to restore. the next day i try to boot in safe mode. everytime i try to boot in safe mode a blue error screen comes up. ive run numerous virus scans with norton and every other prog i have. I decided not to bother. then comes the time i need to log in as administrator and guess what.. tells me unable to log on for a couple of reasons. Now im stuck and have no idea what to do. what do you guys think? btw im running windows xp home sp2

Edited by es12, 29 March 2007 - 05:52 PM.

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can you be more specific, say, what part of system restore it was going through when it said that it cannot protect your computer, did it abort a reinstallation? it is possible that some system files were corrupted during the system restore processes.

pure speculation, as i am extremely tired from being overworked today, and i am ready to go home and take a nap X_x

but is there any more specifics you can go into? what is the error that it gives you during the BSOD? what does it tell you when you sign in as administrator? are you connected to a domain? etc etc.
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when i go into system tools and click a point to restore to it will say: system restore is unable to protect your computer please restart and try again. when i try to boot in safe mode i do the usualy push f8 click safe mode, tried everyone, i get a blue screen saying windows xp blah blah shut down to prevent damage to your computer all that. When i try to log on as administrator it says unable to log on: logon failure: user account restriction. possible reason blank password are not allowed logon hour restrctions or a policy restriction has been enforced.
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what you should try doing is a repair install of windows using your xp disc. it sounds like some startup files are either missing or corrupt. the system restore probably was not the perpetrator though. give the repair install a shot.

if that doesnt fix the problem then you might have to use a program like miniXP to access your drive to backup files, and format/reload windows altogether. what kind of machine is it? if it is a dell then you should run the dell system diagnostics, when you hit F12 during startup it will give you the menu, choose the diagnostics, and see if your hard drive is going bad. the dell diagnostics are generally not the best, but its hard to get your hands on a program that actually tests your drive well. If you can find a copy of spinrite 6 that would be a good proggie to use to test the drive.
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