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Need save a frame from a video as a photo

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In my new web page, I'm going to post videos. I'd like to put a thumbnail of each video in a table. Descriptions of the videos will be on the right. The problem I'm having is that I can't figure out how to save a picture from a frame of my movies.

I tried playing the movie in Windows Media Player, maximizing the video, and using the Print Screen button, but when I pasted the image into a photo editor, the image was solid Black.

Do any of you know of a program, or another way, I might be able to save a frame from a video as a photo?

Any and all information will be greatly appreciated.


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First thing you might want to do is get another player, Media Player Classic or VLC player, both do captures very well. But there is other capture software out there. You may need to have your Direct Show filters updated to do captures.
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Sorry for the super late reply, but I had unplugged myself for a couple of weeks when my second daughter was born. Then, returning to work after a two week vacation was a nightmare and still no sleep at night from the new baby.

At any rate, the VLC Player is going to get the job done. I've just downloaded and tested it here at work and it looks great.


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