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Windows XP Logs In Then Immediately Logs Off

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I've had the same problem. Windows login then logout. Every account even in Safe Mode. I tried the "copy userinit.exe wsaupdater.exe" and still not able to log in. I (shortly before the login/logout problem redid my permissions the wrong way. I don't think it's a malware problem, but I can't even get to it from dos. I get "Access Denied" even if I attempt to change directories.

Can you help?
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Gavin Hurd

Gavin Hurd

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Well, I've had this problem too, and i have no internet, no startup disk or anything like that... so
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Gavin.
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    Mechanised Mod

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Hello Gavin Hurd



Please do not post inside another members topic, your computer issue/s may appear to be the same but be completely different + your request for assistance may be overlooked as staff and members will check a topic that has yet to receive a reply but they may not if it appears that assistance has already been offered to the OP.


Please start your own topic and we will be happy to assist you there, it will be helpful if you can provide as much information as possible about your computer and it`s hardware and software + any troubleshooting steps that you may have tried already.

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