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Windows Vista, ICS, Xbox 360.

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Ok, talk about problems.

First of, I got windows vista 32 bit premium.

Ive hooked up the xbox 360 to my computer directly using the onboard network and a Xover cable.

I bought a wireless card and installed it to connect to my buddies internet connection next door.

Now he has set it up for WEP sharred and I got a perfect connection with my computer. So I do have Net access.

But I have yet to be able to share that connection with Vista's ICS and my xbox. Ive tried basicly everything I know about networking but its not really a whole lot.

I have a Dlink WDA-2320 and i have been able to temperarly share my internet connection with a windows xp computer but never had full network access with the other computer.

I'll be home shortly so I can give some more info on my setup and the hardware of the onboard network adapter.

Ohh and I usualy had everything to auto detect ip's and stuff. Not to sure on what I would manualy put into the xbox and into windows.

Edited by Devilhog, 17 May 2007 - 10:00 PM.

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