You took 53 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 947
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Questions correct: 10 / 10
You took 43 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 957
*admin hasn't won in a LONG time.1. Blair + 12 pts 10! 43 957
2. sari + 11 pts 10! 53 947
3. dsenette + 10 pts 10! 72 928
4. peanutbutter + 9 pts 9 61 839
It's time to start mixing up the categories.
A hockey question from 1970?Questions correct: 9 / 10
You took 54 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 846
1. peanutbutter + 6 pts 10! 55 945
9. How about a classic scenario now? Your wife bought a new dress and asks you: "Honey, does this dress make my rear end look big?" What is your best way out of that one?
"Sweetie, you're a beautiful broad. You look great!"
"Darling, you are gorgeous in every way no matter what you have on."
"I married you because you have some meat on your bones. Your big butt makes me glad I did."
"I must be honest, love of my life. It looks like you're hauling cargo."
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