You took 90 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 510
Pffft... What ever, I'm a metal head, I'd be shocked if I got any more right!
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Questions correct: 10 / 10
You took 110 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 890
Go on, Sari and Adrenalin ... spoil it for me ... I dare you
Glad to see you're back on the horse Keith and .... I was hoping to slip it in quietly when noone is lookingQuestions correct: 10 / 10
You took 29 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 971
That's a bit better.
How long ago did you take over the quiz Fran, and when can we expect World Trivia: Australia as a topic?
Thank you SariThat's a great first score, Teenage.Zombiee.
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