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Dual Boot Windows 98 And Ubuntu 7.04 PC

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Ok Hi.

First of all, I barely know how to open the email programs so I need a guide saying what should happen, and it be specific so that if something happens that isnt on the list I can stop.

Our family has 2 computers, an XP and 98.
I like Ubuntu, its faster than our 98, and I want to have it on our 98.

I do not want to loose windows 98 from the computer, and do not want to loose any files.
I have the Ubuntu 7.04 for PC CD.

Heres My Questions:

-How can I safely do it with no file loss
-Does any one have a guide with screenies
-Can I make it so that when the computer is turned on, I have to press F5 or whateva key it is to change to Ubuntu. (So the ubuntu can not be easily detected, like say.... I load it up, it loads windows automatically (never ubuntu as auto) and I press F# and I get list of what to load)

I have searched google, these forums but there is nothing specific enough for me, I just want to make sure that it wont stuff anything up.
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Neil Jones

Neil Jones

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It may not be possible without a lot of fiddling about.

Windows 98, because of its age now, comes from a time when dual-booting was an unheard of practice. It likes and takes great pains to be the only bootable operating system on a hard drive.

Having said that, it is definitely possible with Debian Linux so it should be possible with Ubuntu. You must back up your existing stuff though as you could lose the lot.
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IDK how to install windows so.... if i loose everythin im stuffed!

I just got info from another forum saying its easy to do it... would this work?? http://www.psychocat...untu/installing

Edited by lemonwonder, 12 June 2007 - 03:47 AM.

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Neil Jones

Neil Jones

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The main thing to be aware of is that it involves altering the partitions of the drive. If nothing else, this is the most likely part to go wrong for various technical reasons and can render the computer unable to load anything at all. Therefore you should clone the hard drive before you do anything.

With all due respect, on your original post you say you don't know how to use the email programs. Therefore may I suggest that installing a new operating system is not for you (this goes to much higher levels) and I recommend finding somebody who knows what they're doing to sort out Ubuntu for you.
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I can open emails lol, i was exadurating. I have installed YDL on ps3, but that wasnt to hard to do. Surely someone can give instructions though... There are a few guides, and i thought someone could clear things up. It seems only the paritioning is the hard bit, I need to know how to make windows 1 smaller and how many to make for each and how big etc...
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ubuntu 7.4 will run live from cd no need to install it. if you want to look at ubuntu main site for more info on this. it has a video that shows the install. just be sure when you do you the same screens on your setup or you will lose windows
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Before you start you need to find the answers to a couple of questions. How big is your hard drive and how much memory does the machine have? Most of the live CD Linux distros, including Ubuntu and the one in my signature like at least 256mb of memory and need about 15gb of hard drive space. The early 98 machines usually didn't meet that, but the latest did. You can add more memory and put in a bigger drive but the machine might not be worth the trouble. Also a 500mhz processor would be desirable. Doubling all those figures would be nice. If you put in a bigger drive you can clone your 98 installation to the first partition and install Linux on a second partition.
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