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Video and Music Problems

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Ever since I've upgraded to Vista I've had major problems with any videos and music. It's kind of hard to explain it, but here goes:

Sometimes when I play videos, they will play with the sound fine, and then stop after a varying amount of minutes (1-5ish). Sometimes, though, they play very choppy. If I close Windows Media Player or whatever else I am playing it in (this problem occurs in every player), and I try to reopen the file, it will freeze on the first frame and not play; this will continue if I try to open any other video after the inital one froze. HOWEVER, if when my video freezes, I double click on the video in the playlist to restart it, it will restart and play "normal" -- until it decides to freeze again. Moving the tracking bar to later on in the video almost always results in a frozen video.

When I stream videos from like youtube.com, a similar thing happens. If I just started my computer not too long ago and it is the first video I play, it will play (video+audio) from youtube until it decides to freeze. If I try to start another video after that one freezes, it will play the VIDEO of that video but will not stream the SOUND with it. HOWEVER, once again, if I press refresh on Internet Explorer on the initial video, it will restart the video and play fine (audio+video) until it decides to freeze once again. This usually only works through about 3 refreshes, and then I'm stuck with the 2 second video play with no sound. If I move the tracking bar to later on in the video, it will play those 2 seconds at that part, again with no sound.

Music will play for a varied amount of time (never over a minute) as well, and then it will freeze. Refreshing that song does nothing. I cannot start another song. My music experience is finished, until I restart, of course, and listen to a few more seconds. yay.... not.

I honestly do not know what to do. It's only been happening since I upgraded to Vista. Clean install is not an option -- I can't lose all of my stuff. I don't know if it's the codecs or whatnot. If you have any idea on what I can try, I'd be very thankful. I've tried searching the net but, like I said, it's hard to sum up my problem into a searchable phrase.

Everything else on Vista works perfect. Video and music are my only problems.

Thanks in advance,
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I upgraded to Vista. Clean install is not an option

You lost me here...the best way and really the only way with an upgrade installation, is a clean install. Why is this not an option?
What version of Vista did you upgrade to, and what was your OS before? :whistling:

EDIT>> okay, I see XP Home in your profile

Edited by Jacee, 14 June 2007 - 08:11 PM.

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Hi Lvinci90...

How much RAM do you have installed in this machine?

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Yes, I used to have XP Home. I upgraded to Vista Home Premium... I did not use a clean install though. I didn't want to lose all of my files so I just upgraded with the upgrade CD.

When I said "clean install is not an option," I just meant I didn't want a "smart" remark saying to just reformat my HDD and reinstall Vista clean -- or that upgrading ruins everything and distrupts the ya-da-ya-da.... you get my point. I want to fix this problem without having to go through all the reformating. There has to be a way to do it, I just don't know where to start with this problem because it's just odd and only happens at various times in media.

If you have any other questions, just ask. Thanks for the reply!
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1.5 GB of RAM
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Hello again..

I'm just wondering if anybody has any leads or new ideas on what I can try?

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Try running the Windows Vista Upgrade Adviser and see if all the hardware...particularly the audio hardware...meets the requirements for Vista.
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I ran that before I installed Vista and I met the minimum requirements. The only thing that was questionable was my video card -- its not capable of running aero or glass.

I have an idea though, I just can't find a way to do it. I have installed vista codecs but they were installed OVER old codecs. What program can I use to view old codecs and remove them?

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Have you tried a system restore to a time before you installed the new codecs?

I don't really think it makes much of a difference in Vista whether you install the codecs fresh or install them over other codecs. I've installed codec packs on my machine without removing the previous ones and everything seems to work as advertised.
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No, I haven't. I don't think the problem would be with the "new" codecs, but rather with the old. These problems have been occuring since I upgraded to Vista, not since I installed new codecs. I installed new codecs designed specifically for vista-compatibility to try to fix these issues, with no success.

I have a feeling that my problem is that my media player is utilizing older codecs not compatible with vista instead of the new ones I installed, and that the new codecs are only being used if it was a codec in the downloaded package that I didn't already have.
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