I can't seem to find anything in the msoft forums about 931768. Any ideas?
No need to check MS forums.
Open Control Panel.
Click on "Add/Remove Programs"
Check box "Show Updates"
931768 is an IE update (I mention this as there may be a list of Office updates as well). Remove it. Windows will warn you that the "following programs may not work if the update is removed". You are forced to reboot after the update is removed. There were no adverse affects from removing the update. The only thing that happened is Comodo, my software firewall, ask my permission to allow IE to access the Internet because, technically, the program had changed. I simply allowed it again.
I tried the work around first so I'm not sure which action actually solved the problem. I think the "Outlook Today" solution is for each instance you open Outlook. The update removal is probably permanent. Of course Windows immediately informed me that updates were ready for my computer (insert theme from Psycho here). I may simply let it install again and just use the work around as the update affected other programs aside from Outlook and not necessarily in a bad way. I'd just prefer to get the corrected update.
Now the problem comes of determining
when update 931768 will be fixed or if a newer update will be created to fix it. I wonder if MS has some sort of alert you can sign up for.
Geeks To Go any thoughts?