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I need help setting up my router

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Hi all. I have an Airlink AR504 router, This model, and I want to set it up so that I can use my xbox 360 with Xbox Live while my girlfriend can still be able to use the internet. I have DSL, and the modem I use is a Westell 6100, This model., but I am having trouble. The computer she uses for the internet is a laptop, HP Pavilion, this model

I got the router from my sister, who had no problems with it. In her house it was connected to 2 desktop computers and an xbox 360 to play xbox live. She does not have any sort of setup disk for it, but she told me she didn't use one when she set it up. I have everything plugged in correctly, as far as I know, and I cannot get it to work.

Any and all help is appreciated. Thank you so much.

Edited by sluggy, 20 June 2007 - 08:30 PM.

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  • PipPipPip
  • 139 posts
I realize its been a while since you've posted. But if u still have problems, just post what you have set up right now. If it helps, there is a quick installation guide on the link that you gave for the Airlink router. Also, be aware that your router wont have a wireless connection.
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