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Malware disables all my security features [RESOLVED]

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Hello again August_H,

Please download Dial-a-fix from HERE and unzip it to your desktop.
  • Double click the Dial-a-fix.exe
  • Place a check next to ActiveX controls/codecs
  • Then hit GO
  • Once the program finishes you may exit out if it.
Now try running Panda Scan or something that uses ActiveX and let me know if it works.
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That link doesn't work. There seems to be an ellipsis (...) in the middle of it.

August H.
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Try downloading it from HERE with the same instructions as above.
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Thanks. Ran Dial-a-fix and tried it, but still no luck with Panda or Kaspersky. Same results as reported above.

August H.
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Hello again,

Well I myself am all out of ideas for trying to fix your ActiveX. Right now I suggest reinstalling IE7 and seeing if it works, or posting in the Web Browsers forum which can be found HERE. Please let me know how everything turns out, I would like to know. Also let them know that I have cleared you of all viruses and malware.

Nice job your log looks clean !
How is it running ?
Please use the following suggestion to help prevent reinfection.

First, let's reset your hidden/system files and folders. System files are hidden for a reason and we don't want to have them openly available and susceptible to accidental deletion.* Click Start.
* Open My Computer.
* Select the Tools menu and click Folder Options.
* Select the View tab.
* Under the Hidden files and folders heading UNSELECT Show hidden files and folders.
* CHECK the Hide protected operating system files (recommended) option.
* Click Yes to confirm.
* Click OK.
Next, let's clean your restore points and set a new one:

Reset and Re-enable your System Restore to remove infected files that have been backed up by Windows. The files in System Restore are protected to prevent any programs from changing those files. This is the only way to clean these files: (You will lose all previous restore points which are likely to be infected)1. Turn off System Restore.On the Desktop, right-click My Computer.
Click Properties.
Click the System Restore tab.
Check Turn off System Restore.
Click Apply, and then click OK.
2. Restart your computer.

3. Turn ON System Restore.On the Desktop, right-click My Computer.
Click Properties.
Click the System Restore tab.
UN-Check Turn off System Restore.
Click Apply, and then click OK.
[/list]System Restore will now be active again.

Please Visit my website for the latest and greatest ways to stay safe in the future!

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Sincere thanks MoNsTeReNeRgY22, the PC is back to normal and running fine now.

My only remaining question is, how can I make a donation to express my appreciation and to support the site?

Best wishes,

August H.
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Hello again,

Well I am glad to hear that everything is back to normal. What what the problem with the ActiveX and how did you fix it? I am curious.

Also I thank you for wanting to donate, but as I am still in training I can't directly accept donations. You can though donate to the site to help keep it running.

Donation info for the site can be found HERE

Thank you ahead of time for your contribution! :whistling:

Also I was doing some research on Active X and try running the following test. Let me know how it turns out.


Edited by MoNsTeReNeRgY22, 13 July 2007 - 12:58 AM.

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Since this issue appears to be resolved ... this Topic has been closed. Glad we could help. :whistling:

If you're the topic starter, and need this topic reopened, please contact a staff member with the address of the thread.

Everyone else please begin a New Topic.
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