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installing diff linux distro

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Is it possible to install another Linux distro on top of a Linux distro already installed? In other words, I have Ubuntu installed on my 30gb partition, but now I'm interested in Mandriva. Can I run the installation and install into the same partition? I think the installer reformats the partition so you can run a clean install, but I'm not sure so that's why I'm here. :whistling:
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mandriva is not my distro so I cannot answer in honesty but eitherway once I did install mandriva on my computer I had tweaking to do(as always with any distro) but the problem I then had then was trying to find a good and friendly forum which since I didn't find one I gave up and uninstalled, so I would start there by finding the mandriva forum first then do the installation. Also I cannot remember if mandriva is a live CD so if not you might have driver problems, but what I did like about mandriva is the way that mp3s and DVDs worked where under Kubuntu(ubuntu with KDE) there is the source files to edit before getting things to work.
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    - i pwn n00bs -

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Is it possible to install another Linux distro on top of a Linux distro already installed? In other words, I have Ubuntu installed on my 30gb partition, but now I'm interested in Mandriva. Can I run the installation and install into the same partition? I think the installer reformats the partition so you can run a clean install, but I'm not sure so that's why I'm here. :whistling:

giving up on the ubuntu sound problem already?

just install over the ubuntu partition if needed
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Yes, you can install to the same partitions. You can choose to re-make the filesystem or not, so you need to make sure that you do. You can choose to use the existing partitions or make new ones.
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Is it possible to install another Linux distro on top of a Linux distro already installed? In other words, I have Ubuntu installed on my 30gb partition, but now I'm interested in Mandriva. Can I run the installation and install into the same partition? I think the installer reformats the partition so you can run a clean install, but I'm not sure so that's why I'm here. :whistling:

giving up on the ubuntu sound problem already?

just install over the ubuntu partition if needed

Sorry ditto, but yeah i wanted to try out different distros so I tried out Mandriva. I appreciate the help you've given me though. Thanks a bunch.
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