It started last night when it said that there was no more space for me to get my messages from my mail client. Every time I tried to even open up the mail client, I just couldn't and it would always quit giving me this message
Mail cannot update your mailboxes because your home directory is full.
You must free up space in your home folder before using Mail. Delete unneeded documents or move documents to another volume.
So I tried to do that, getting rid of Podcasts and other text files to give me more free up more than the 29.48 GB it says I have available at the bottom in Machintosh HD. However, then I found out another problem, I couldn't.
This was pretty late at night, so I shut this down and went to sleep and when I woke up, still not luck on opening mail, and so I tried to delete the podcast files and I tried to delete the text files, however, they would not be moved into the trash! Now maybe this will say something, that when I first tried to log in, it said I could not access my log in profile the first time, though afterwards I was able to.
So here I am, stuck with files that can not be deleted. I am able to delete things in my applications folder, but nothing else. Whenever I open up iTunes, I am unable to get anything to work because
The iTunes Library file cannot be saved. An unknown error occured (-50).
Safari and Adium still work, along with other internet things.
Also when trying to load up things using Microsoft Word, I've gotten this error
"file.doc" is being used by "another user". Do you want to make a copy?
If I say yes I get this message.
Word cannot open the exsisting original template.
Never had that before either.
Along with that I don't here that "dum" sound when I load up, and it has taken quite a few times/few long times before this mac starts to load up.
Oh yeah, and about deleting files, I can't move them into the trash bin, and when I try to do so, it makes the sound that they are being moved, but they are not being moved over there.
Adobe Updater is also giving me this
" Write Permission error. The download cannot be saved to users/me/Documents/Updater5 because you do not have permission to create a file there. Make sure you have the proper permissions and then click Retry. Otherwise, click CHange Location."
Well retrying doesn't work and I don't have another location, there is only one profile on here.
Lots of stuffs going on, and I hope this can help someone help me. I'm just really confused and anything would really help, thanks =P =)
~KtC Angel of Peace
For the Lord....[Psalm 23]
P.S. I don't know if this has to do anything with it, but I also get this sometimes when browsing around here
Bad Request
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
The request line contained invalid characters following the protocol string.
Apache/1.3.37 Server at Port 80
Yeah, *Shrugs*
Thanks again!
Also just found out that I am unable to bookmark this as well!
There is a problem saving your bookmarks
Safari Encountered a problem while saving your bookmarks.
Yeap, just passing on more information! Thanks again! =D =P
Edited by KtC Angel of Peace, 26 July 2007 - 08:53 AM.