Make sure you download MC2X-Driftwood Edition and not Wolfman-X (Wolfman X is a hack for peeps with the original retail version of the game). MC2X is a freeware game engine based on the open source code released by Microsoft for the 2001 MechCommander 2 game.
It has all of the features of the original game except online playability (I have faith that he'll get that working) and Video Support (ie... no movie cut-scenes which never ran right on my XP machine anyway). It also adds tons of fan created content... new mechs, new buildings, new vehicles, new pilots, new equipment to customize your mechs with...
The game engine for MC2X has been working for quite some time, but Wolfman just released a version with a complete multi mission campaign bundled in. Gameplay feels eerily like the old PNP Battletech rules (it's RTS, not turn based).
If you played MechComander 2 or read the wiki description don't go in expecting to replay the same game. Wolfman did this campaign himself from scratch.
The game also comes bundled with a mission editor so you can create your own one shot missions OR multi mission campaigns.
If there's anyone left alive out there who has fond memories of driving a Mad Cat or Catapult you should definitely check this one out. I'll never forget the first time I salvaged a working Vulture off the battlefield. LRM-20 Kicks Butt!
Edited by Urk, 27 July 2007 - 05:43 PM.