20 second film clip could land girl in jail
Posted 12 August 2007 - 04:05 AM

Posted 12 August 2007 - 07:05 AM

perhaps the brother was a big optimus prime fan and just wanted to see what he looked like in the film as i have only seen a couple transformer trailers and only one decepticon is in any of them ive seen.
Sejas was enjoying the movie so much that she decided to film a short clip of the sci-fi adventure's climax to get her little brother hyped to go see it.
That's her claim according to the article. again the punishment should fit the crime I don't think anyone is saying she should do the max but she should do something, pay something.
Whatever it is have her clean the theater a few times or something. No matter what anyone says she broke the law even if was just a little bit.
Honestly Judge the bank has millions I only took a few hundred thousand
Posted 12 August 2007 - 10:02 AM

If its the time thats "trivial" to you, whats the limit? 30 seconds? 60? 20 mins? Who sets the limit?
The whole thing is really simple. People stealing movies is a problem. Because its a problem, the authorities have had to take a hard line with offenders.
Posted 12 August 2007 - 10:21 AM

Posted 12 August 2007 - 11:50 AM

No one loses money if I go 1 MPH over the speed limit.
Also, police give a leeway when working with speed limits because there is room for error in their equipment. This is not so with the case we have here.
Posted 12 August 2007 - 12:04 PM

Posted 12 August 2007 - 12:41 PM

Their laser radar equipment is pretty accurate, and speeding is speeding, you are breaking the law, and should be punished accordingly to your side of this rediculous debate.
By paying my taxes I expect the local and state police to protect and serve if someone is speeding in my neighborhood I would expect them to get a ticket for doing so on the other side of the coin if I m caught speeding I m hoping he or she gives me a break I don't deny the fact I was breaking the law.
Why not focus on Lindsay Lohan, caught twice with cocaine posession and still not in jail. And you people are debating over a small infraction.
Thats a sad story onto itself so you want the police to follow her around and what for her next fall. If she breaks the law punish her same with the rest of them, Paris, Nicole Britny whoever.
If someone gets pulled over for doing 1 mile over the speed limit chances are hey wont think about going over the speed limit by 5 or 10
The girl was doing something harmless with no piracy thoughts involved, get over it
You know this for a fact ?
Hey heres an idea, lets strip search and put all movie goers through metal detectors. That will solve everything.
Not a bad idea I think I will write my congressman to stop the people from doing this that way the movie makers profits will fall back in line and maybe I wont have to pay $15 to see a movie
Posted 12 August 2007 - 04:48 PM

Who decides what's trivial? I would hope common sense would, but as they say common sense isnt all that common. To use the speeding example trivial is considered to be 3-4Mph over the limit on top of the 10% accuracy of the vehicle speedometer. Also 1Mph might not cost you money but it could cost someone their life 1Mph can add meters to your braking distance on a high speed road.
I think its pretty bad you value any danger to life less than losing money, and people who aren't exactly losing money they are going to notice as well. Maybe its a bit Robin Hood of me but personally doing something that is debatabley doing someone out of potential money(allot of people just wouldn't go see the film people will watch something they get for free they wouldn't spend money on) from people with obscene amounts of money already isn't as bad as the hundreds of crimes against poorer people that go on.
It is all a question of priorities, maybe if you live in a place where crimes like movie piracy is the worse thing its an acceptable response but when theft and murder rates are so high to me police and court time should not be wasted on anything that is trivial. If i was reading about that story happening here i wouldn't be annoyed about the crime but that the fact that the Police wasted their time on it rather than a serious crime.
They would be charging you $15 piracy or no they will charge you as much as they think you will pay, i think it costs too much so i dont go to the cinema at least not on the first screening runs of films.
This is the kind of crime that gets a caution not a court appearance, yeah its a crime but its a pretty [bleep] one in the first place except at the extreme levels.
Posted 12 August 2007 - 07:29 PM

As Don pointed out, you have no proof of this. You say this so matter-of-factly that one would think you were sitting right next to this girl. Could it be that she only had time to get 20 seconds filmed before she noticed that someone was watching her?One of the largest caveats of the law is malicious intent, did this girl have malicious intent to record and distribute a motion picture? No, she saw something cool her brother might like to see before he could see it himself. There was no intent to defraud someone out of any money considering the brother was a transformers nut even if she recorded the whole thing he would have gone and seen it.
Nowhere in the article does it say what her intent was. Nowhere does it say what kind of recording device was used. If it wasn't a phone, what kind of person brings a video camera into a theater?
As has already been pointed out, there are trailers out there. And if her brother was already wanting to go see it, he didn't need this clip.
While the police don't get to choose which laws to enforce and which ones not to, they do get the flexibility to choose which ones have priority. If there were something worse going on as you keep saying over and over, I am sure they wouldn't have responded to this one, at least not as quickly. They would have taken care of the murder or B&E first.
Really shot yourself in the foot there. You are worried about Theft and Murder, but you want to let this theft go unnoticed? Sure, there are different levels of theft depending on the amount stolen, but its still theft. Theft is against the law, and needs to be punished.maybe if you live in a place where crimes like movie piracy is the worse thing its an acceptable response but when theft and murder rates are so high to me police and court time should not be wasted on anything that is trivial.
Now, before anyone goes off on the whole "Big Meanie ScHwErV" thing, nowhere did I say she deserves a year in jail or the large fine they are talking about. Besides, thats the maximum penalty for this crime. Almost no one does the maximum.
Posted 12 August 2007 - 07:33 PM

The article does not tell us what her final intentions were with the "20 second" clip of film. We also do not difinately know that she was only going to film 20 seconds of the movie. Without much more information there is no way to decide what sort of punishment the girl deserves other than not allowing her off free.
Posted 13 August 2007 - 12:56 AM

Posted 13 August 2007 - 05:43 AM

Posted 13 August 2007 - 07:12 AM

Michael Moore is an idiot of the highest caliber. Under no circumstances should he be quoted as any kind of authority about anything. Ever.Michael Moore's comment's on the broader subject are interesting...
No, the article doesn't say specifically when the recording took place. Anything about this would be purely conjecture, just like the previous comments about her "intent".Doesn't the article state that it was late in the movie when she started recording? I would imagine you would begin at the start of the movie if piracy was the intent.
Posted 13 August 2007 - 07:44 AM

Michael Moore is an idiot of the highest caliber. Under no circumstances should he be quoted as any kind of authority about anything. Ever.
Michael Moore is infact a total idiot. Michael Moore claims to make "Political Documentaries" but what he really makes are just a way to bash people he doesnt like.
Posted 13 August 2007 - 11:12 AM

Edited by MarkN, 13 August 2007 - 11:13 AM.
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