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1GB and 2Gb mp3 players

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about how many songs could a 1Gb and a 2Gb mp3 player hold?
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    Je suis Napoléon!

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depends on the size of the MP3....which depends on the length of the song and the encoding rate

it's rellatively safe to assume that most MP3s are between 1 and 2 MB....(but can be larger or smaller)...so if it were pure storage space... a 1gb could hold (roughly) 1000 and and a 2gb could hold 2000...but you don't really get 1bg of space on those things...there's space taken up for the operating instructions...and they usually actually calculate 1gb as 1000mb instead of 1024mb like a GB is supposed to be calculated

so in short "results will varry"
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thank you, an estimate was all i was looking for
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