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Well I wanted to know what you guys thought of the SAW films?

I personally find them quite good (Yes, I might be a little young), but I believe them all to be very well written and they leave you on the edge of your seat. With the famous big twists that you never see coming at the very end, I am very excited for the 4th installment this Halloween. Then you have number 5 after that next Halloween. :whistling:

So I wanted to see whawt your guys thoughts are on these movies?
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Quite enjoyed the first one, thought it was scary and tense. Thought the second one was horrible, and third one was average. I wouldn't call them good movies, but they are ok for some mindless horror :whistling:

If you want a real horror movie, check out The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Poltergeist, etc.
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I like SAW films but I have watched only first and second parts of it. This is interesting and terrible movie with the well thought-out and unpredictable subject.
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