2) What is the connection between the resolution of a screen and its bit-map?
3) How are vector graphics stored in the memory?
Thanks for any help at all, and sorry if this is in the wrong section but it didn't seem relevant to the other sections.
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1) In a computer that handles real numbers, what data is stored in the mantissa and in the exponent?
Real number
Complex number (which i always learned as "non-real numbers")
1. The mantissa stores the fractional part and the exponent stores the power of 2 to which the mantissa is raised.
E.g. If the mantissa is: 01100000 (3/4) and the exponent is 00000110 (6) then it's 3/4 * 2^6 = 48
2. A bit-map is a 2D array of pixels. The larger the screen resolution, the larger the bit-map since there are more pixels to "map".
3. 3 things are stored: the x co-ordinate, the y co-ordinate and the colour.
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