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Windows Update Failure - Error Code 8000FFFF

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Hi all,

I am facing this problem with Vista which always gives me this error “Error Code 8000FFFF” (that’s the only code I get) whenever I try to update windows.

I would like to know if anyone of you faced any such problem with Vista. I tried everything I could but nothing seems to work. I even tried almost every solution mentioned on microsoft's support website but no luck.

What might be the problem here? Is there any way to download all the vista updates manually?
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Click control panel, then Windows Updates.
On the left, click on Updates; frequently asked questions

Scroll through the "Windows help and support" page that pops up.
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As i said in my post i have already tried almost every solution mentioned on Microsoft support forums.
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Neil Jones

Neil Jones

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This error seems to be caused by some obscure conflict between a previous update and Windows Update.

A web solution is as follows:

1: Open up "Control Panel" and navigate your way to "Programs and Features".

2: Click "View installed updates" on the left hand side.

3: Find the update KB929777 and uninstall it.

4: Attempt to install the updates again in Windows Update

5: Once successful, restart your PC.

Meanwhile another posted fix is to remove some memory from the computer to bring it under 2000 Megabytes, or alternatively:

1) Launch REGEDIT

2) Go into HKLM\COMPONENTS, and check if these three values exist under the COMPONENTS key:


3) Providing they do exist, back up the Components key, then delete the three above values.
4) Restart the computer, and Windows Update should now be working fine.

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I had this same issue with 5 updates. My workaround was simply to open the details of each failed update, individually, and click the Microsoft link 'More Information:'
Scan the page presented and download and install the updates manually.
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