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Is there a permanent fix for the INFCACHE.1 problem?

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I'm under Vista Ultimate at the moment and I'm finding this issue pretty annoying yet i think I've found a temporary fix. I'm pretty sure many others have it, but a lot don't which makes no sense whatsoever.

The issue is when you attempt to stick in a plug and play device (be it mouse, USB, external HD etc.) and it asks for drivers, when clearly it doesn't need (vista should have it preloaded...hence the term 'plug and play'). I've searched around the internet and the only fix i can find is by deleting INFCACHE.1. While this did work for a couple of days, out of the blue it asks for drivers again. What makes it even more fustrateing is that it doesnt seem to be an issue for my mouse, printer and my OWN USB...but for everyone elses usb (at school for example, they ask to use my laptop for a bit) it asks for drivers, for which i search but never find.

Sorry for my shpeal but i am hoping you guys have some sought of perma fix for this annoying yet critical (when you think about it) issue...seems like Microsoft should have to recall Vista because it cant even make plug and play work!

Thanks for reading and keep me posted on any info, it will be much appreciated.

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